Best age of marriage according to Islam and modern culture

When to marry ?

First of all there is no dedicated age mentioned in Quran for a person to get married. A person is capable of marriage after reaching puberty. In males, puberty reaches between the age 12 to 15, and in females, it is between the age 9 to 15. But reaching puberty is not the only factor for a person to get married, there are several other requirements also.

Best age of marriage according to islam

"النكاح من سنتي"
"Nikah is my sunnah"

- Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)


Various factors for marriage

  • The first thing that comes for a person to get married is reaching puberty.
  • The next condition is that a boy or a girl should be mature and mentally fit to take the responsibility of each other, because a person at early age of puberty is not still matured one.
  • The next thing is that a guy should be capable of taking care of the wife and should be able to provide the basic human needs such as food, cloth and shelter. If the guy is not capable of these things, then the father of that guy should take the responsibility to feed the wife of their son.

Thus reaching the age of puberty should not be declared as the best age of marriage. But remember, do not delay too much because islam says to marry early.

Why to marry early ?

Sexual desire is the common thing for a person after reaching puberty. If a person does not marry early then he or she may indulge in haram activities and commit various sins. It corrupts the society, and leads to various mental and physical problems.

If you are not able to marry earlier due to some reasons then you should fast, which reduces the sexual desire and prevents a person from wrong doings.


Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated: We went with Allah's Messenger, while we were young men who had nothing. He said: 'O young men! You should marry, for indeed it helps in lowering the gaze and protecting the private parts. Whoever among you is not able to marry, then let him fast, for indeed fasting will diminish his sexual desire.

REFERENCE: Jami Al Tirmizi 5: Chapter 248, Hadith 1081

Best age of marriage

Different countries have different legal age for marriage. In most of the countries, it is 18 years. Islam also instructs to obey the rules of the country in which we are living, so we also have to consider the legal age to get married in the country we are living.

Legal marriage age for male and female in some muslim countries

Country Name Male Female
Saudi Arabia 18 18
Pakistan 18 16
Afghanistan 18 16
Iran 18 15
Iraq 18 18
Qatar 18 16
UAE (Dubai) 18 18
Malaysia 21 18
Yemen 15 15
Omen 18 18

According to different islamic scholars and different country rules, the best age for marriage for a girl is between 18 to 21 years and for a boy, it is between 21 to 25 years.

Try to understand that today the world is changed. Our eduaction system and the duration it takes is totally different than earlier. If a boy or a girl wants to take higher studies or want to graduate and marry later on, then its his or her choice. Or a person can get married in between the education.

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Allah and his messenger knows best

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