Who is dajjal ? When and Where

Introduction to Dajjal

Dajjal means "liar" or "deceiver". The Dajjal will emerge from a land in the east called Khurasan. He will first present himself as a believer and will call people towards good but later on, he will claim to be a prophet and finally to be god. He will misguide the people towards the wrong path.

Who is Dajjal

There are many misconceptions among the people about Dajjal. The emergence of Dajjal is one of the major signs of the day of judgement. In ahadith dajjal has been mentioned in great detail. The tribulation of Dajjal is the most dangerous tribulation ever. Every prophet has warned his ummah about the turmoil of Dajjal.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Mecca and Medina, and there will be no entrance (road) (of both Mecca and Medina) but the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Medina will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earthquakes will take place) and Allah will expel all the non-believers and the hypocrites from it."

Sahih al-Bukhari 1881

How Dajjal looks like ?

The appearance of dajjal has bee mentioned in different ahadith.  He will be young tall man and his body will be quite fleshy. He will be blind from one eye which  will look like bloated grapes where as his other eye will be bloodshot.

He will be having a wide chest which will be little sunken. Dajjal will have a wide forehead and between both of his eyes  "کافر" (disbeliever) will be written and every Muslim will be able to read that either he/she know to read or not.

He will have a lot of curly hairs on his body. Between his both ears, he will be having a distance of 40 cubits. There will be distance between both of his shins, the front part of both of his feet will be close to each other and ankles will have distance between them because of which he will look quite odd and strange. He will step as far as his eyesight falls. His mount will be a donkey with lots of hair.

Characteristics of Dajjal

Dajjal will live on the earth for 40 days and these 40 days will be different from ordinary days. One day would be like one year, next one would be like one month, next one would be like one week and remaining 37 days would be normal days.

During this time period of 40 days, dajjal will mount his donkey and travel the world, and its speed will be so fast that in one step his donkey will cover a distance of mile. There will be no plane, desert and such mountain where he will not go. However due to the presence of Malaika's of Makkah and Madinah he will not able to enter there. Until then he will camp on swampy land outside of Madinah.

Dajjal will have so many tricks such as he will be having the mountains of breads. He will be having two gardens one of which he will call as paradise and other one as hell. But in actual, the heaven and hell shown by Dajjal will be opposites. The heaven represented by Dajjal will be hell for true believers in which the people with less faith will fall into. Heaven will shower rain and earth will produce vegetables on his instructions, but only the true believers of Allah will not believe on him and they will be rewarded for this by Allah in hereafter.

When will Dajjal come ?

The world will be in very worst condition before Dajjal appears. We learn from the gist of ahadith that three years before his emergence, the world will suffer drought and famine. In the first year, Allah will command the sky to withhold one third of its rain and the earth to withhold one third of its produce. In the second year, he will command the sky to withhold two thirds of its rain and the earth to withhold two thirds of its produce. In the third year, he will command the sky to withhold all of its rain, and not a single drop will fall, and the earth to withhold all of its produce, and nothing will grow.

The sky will become glass and the earth will become copper. Because of the extreme drought, all the animals will die. Tribulations and bloodshed will become common. People will be killing each other. Entire world will be facing food crises. There will be scarcity of knowledge and spirituality among the people. There will be lack of faith and then the Dajjal will emerge.

Prevention from Dajjal

First of all the muslims who will be in Makkah and Madinah will be safe from Dajjal as he will be not able to enter there. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has said, "One who memorized the first ten verses of surah Al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal." (Sahih Muslim).

We should seek Allah's refuge from the tribulation of Dajjal. Lets make an intention to memorize the first ten verses of surah Al Kahf in order to protect ourselves from the tribulation of dajjal. May Allah protect us from the tribulation of dajjal. In the end, Dajjal will be killed by Isa (عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام).

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