Iman Bil Ghaib | Belief in Unseen | Do Prophets have knowledge of Ghaib ?

What is Ghaib ?

There are facts which remain hidden from us as long as we do not directly observe or experience them with our senses. For example: Existence of Allah and His attributes, Angles, Divine Revelation, Heaven and Hell etc. All these are super natural and are called Ghaib.

What is Iman Bil Ghaib ?

Believing in matters of Ghaib without seeing them and treating them as true because Messenger AS of Allah is informing us about them is Iman Bil Ghaib (Belief in Unseen).

Iman bil Ghaib, Belief in Unseen

We receive information from different sources. We see with our eyes and visualize about the appearance and look. We smell with nose and differentiate between good and bad smell. Our tongue tells us about the taste of the food. We feel about hardness or softness by touching with our hands. We hear with our ears and imagine things. However, we can neither see Allah nor can we touch, or smell, or talk to Him directly. Then how can one believe that Allah exists? He is the Creator of this Universe. It is He who feeds us. It is He who is the true Sovereign. And He alone deserves worshipping.

Some people deny the existence of Allah because they cannot see Him. But then invisibility of a particular thing is not the proof that it does not exist at all. We do not see air but who can deny its existence? In fact we have limited abilities. So, if we have not seen or cannot see a thing, this never means that it is non-existent. The stars that we see in the sky at night, they exist there in the day as well. But we cannot see them in the day due to strong sunlight. This does not mean that stars do not exist there during the day. This proves only the limitation of our own ability to see them.

If we can mistake in recognizing Allah due to our limited ability, we may also commit mistake in knowing about His will. We can also err in guessing what will happen tomorrow. We cannot have the correct idea of what reward we shall get on obeying His command and what punishment we shall receive on disobeying Him. Hence on account of His compassion, Allah selected some persons and gave them correct knowledge of His attributes. He also taught them the way which human beings can follow and lead such a life in this world that would please Him. He also gave them the perfect knowledge about the life Hereafter and instructed them to pass on the information to other human beings. These selected persons are called Prophets (ï·º) or Messengers AS of Allah.

It is our duty now to look at the life of the Prophets (ï·º) and ponder upon their teachings. If a Prophet appears to be true and his teachings seem to be correct, we should accept it. Believing in the information about the unknown given to us by Prophets is called Iman Bil Ghaib.

In our daily life and interaction, when we fail to understand something, we seek advice from knowledgeable persons and trust their counsel, then why we cannot believe such reliable people in matters of religion? For example: If we fall sick, we do not treat our own-selves but we go to a doctor. When we have faith in a doctor that he is experienced and he cures the sick, we submit ourselves to him for treatment. Thereafter, whatever escription and the use of medicines he suggests, we go for it and follow his advice. We refrain from eating things which he prohibits. A Prophet has exactly the same position in matters related to Ghaib. Likewise after ascertaining the truthfulness and trustworthiness, his teachings should be accepted and followed.

Importance of Iman Bil Ghaib

To have the knowledge about Allah, to acquire true knowledge of the unseen and to know what pleases Allah, Iman Bil Ghaib is necessary. In the absence of the knowledge of these things people will go astray. Therefore, the foremost characteristic of Muttaqeen according to the Qur'an is described as having Iman Bil Ghaib.

"This is the Divine Book. There is no doubt about it; Guidance for those who fear Allah; who believe in the unseen"


Allah alone knows Ghaib

Knowledge of Ghaib is with Allah alone. He alone is the Knower of Unseen and the Omniscient. The Qur'an says,

"And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him."



Say, "None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected."



While specifically explaining certain Unseen things, Allah says that its knowledge is with Allah alone. In the words of the Qur'an,

"Indeed, Allah (alone) has knowledge of the Hour and sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs.1 And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Aware."


Prophet's knowledge of Ghaib

Messenger AS of Allah does not have the knowledge of Ghaib on his own. It is Allah who gives him this knowledge.

"(He is the) Knower of the unseen, disclosing none of it to anyone, except messengers of His choice. Then He appoints angel-guards before and behind them"


"Nor would Allah reveal to you the unseen. But [instead], Allah chooses of His messengers whom He wills, so believe in Allah and His messengers."

[Ali 'Imran:179]

The knowledge of Prophet AS about Ghaib is limited. He knows only what Allah informs him.

"He (fully) knows what is ahead of them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge except what He wills (to reveal)."


Prophet Muhammad (ï·º) confirms this. Once, Jibra'eel came to Prophet (ï·º) to teach him about Deen (Islam). Among many questions that he asked Prophet (ï·º), a question was: "Tell me about the hour of Qiyamah (when will it occur)." Prophet (ï·º) answered: "The one who is asked knows no more than the one who is inquiring (about it)." [Bukhari, Muslim] This clearly means that Messenger AS of Allah had the knowledge of only those Unseen things (Ghaib) that Allah wanted him to know.

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Allah and his messenger knows best

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