Livelihood in Islam | Guidlines for earning | How is it to beg in Islam ?

Livelihood indicates means of living. It includes those basic needs which are necessary for human life like food, clothing, shelter etc. To make efforts to secure these requirements is known as earning one's living or livelihood.

Is Livelihood is obligatory in Islam?

Being a basic need of human beings, earning one's living is not only declared obligatory but also it is treated as Ibadah (worship). Prophet (ï·º) said, "After compulsory Ibadah (Salah etc.), it is obligatory to earn one's living through legitimate sources. [Baihaqi]

Qur'an says,

"Once the prayer is over, disperse throughout the land and seek the bounty of Allah."

[Al-Jumu'ah: 10]

Once Prophet (ï·º) was sitting at some place and a young man swiftly passed by. On seeing him, Prophet (ï·º) said, "If he is going to earn a living and feed his children, then this is also Ibadah." [Ahmad]

Which job is most honourable in Islam?

As Prophet (ï·º) use to do trading it will be consider better job option in Islam.

"Companions R asked Prophet (ï·º) : Which is the best form of earning?" Prophet (ï·º) replied: What you earn with your own hands and every trading activity that is free from lies and cheating." [Ahmad]

On another occasion Prophet (ï·º) said, "Never has any one eaten better than what he earned with his own hands. That is why Prophet Dawood AS used to work with his hands to earn his living." [Bukhari]

"Once a Companion R came to Prophet (ï·º) and asked for something (in charity). Prophet (ï·º) inquired: Do you have anything in your house? Companion R replied: O Prophet (ï·º)! I have only two things: one is a bedding of sack cloth which is used both for spreading as well as covering and a bowl for drinking water. Prophet (ï·º) said: Bring both these things to me. Companion R returned with those two items. Prophet (ï·º) auctioned them for two dirham and said to the Companion R : Purchase some food material for one dirham and give it to your family and purchase one axe with the remaining dirham and come back. Prophet (ï·º) himself fixed the handle of the axe and said: Go to the forest, cut the wood and sell it in the market and report back to me after fifteen. When the said Companion R returned after a fortnight, he had collected ten dirham. Prophet (ï·º) was pleased and said: This hard-earned money is far better than begging and that there be no blot of begging on your face on the Day of Judgement." [Abu Dawood, Ibn Maja]

How is it to beg in Islam ?

It is not proper for a Muslim to become indifferent to earning his living under the pretext of concentration in Ibadah or Tawakkul. Similarly, it is also not correct simply to sit back hoping that he would receive alms and spoils of the war. Prophet (ï·º) said, "A wealthy person is not eligible to receive charity, nor someone who is strong and healthy." [Tirmizi]

Asking financial help from others without any compulsion is not permissible. Prophet (ï·º) said, "One who begs in order to become rich injures his face till the Day of Judgement and he shall eat hot stones of the hell. Now it is upto a person to have these things either in a large or a small quantity." [Tirmizi]

One, who becomes a habitual beggar, will meet Allah in such a condition that there will be no trace of flesh on his face. [Bukhari, Muslim] Prophet (ï·º) has also explained as to what constitutes compulsion.

"Nobody is permitted to solicit anything except only three persons. First, who stands surety for someone; such a person can demand until he recovers his dues; thereafter he must stop. Second, a person whose property gets lost due to some calamity can solicit alms till the time he finds necessary means of living. Third, person who faces starvation and three sensible men from his locality certify that the person is undergoing starvation. Under these circumstances, it is permissible to solicit help until necessities of life are available. Whosoever begs other than these persons earns illegitimate to devour". [Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nasa'ee]

No profession is inferior in Islam

There are various sources of earning one's living like trade, agriculture, industry and employment etc. Each person is free to choose his or her vocation as per his capacity and liking. Equal opportunities are open to all. Only condition is that one must guard against crossing the limits set by Islam. Any source is neither honourable nor inferior.

Trade and business is the Sunnah of Prophet (ï·º) and his Companions R Ansar of Madinah were engaged in agriculture as their profession. Art and craft is also Sunnah of Messengers AS of Allah. Moosa AS worked for Shu'aib AS when it was required of him. Therefore, it is not proper to treat any work or profession as inferior or below dignity.

For instance, people do not treat a shepherd with respect. Prophet (ï·º) said, "Allah has not sent a single Messenger who did not take goats for grazing." Companions R asked: "O Prophet (ï·º)! Even you have done it?" Prophet (ï·º) replied: "I used to graze goats of the Makkans on wages." [Bukhari]

Every one cannot work as casual labourer although there is no harm in doing that too. It is far better than begging.

"One Companion R shook hands with Prophet (ï·º) who asked: What are these marks on your hand? He replied: I cut stones with spade and earn living for my family. On hearing this, Prophet (ï·º) kissed his hands." [Abu Dawood]

It is said that Salman Farsi R used to knit mats to meet his financial needs though he was Governor of Mada'in.

Guidelines for livelihood in Islam

1. One can not adopt any source for earning which is Haram (Prohibited). For example, interest based business, gambling, forward trading, lottery and prostitution.

The Qur'an says,

"Do not force your (slave) girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains while they wish to remain chaste."

[An-Noor: 33]

Income from dance, income out of fine arts involving sex, vulgar songs and obscene acting is also not allowed because according to the principles of Islam, causes and things that lead to evil are as illegitimate as the evil itself.

Similarly, sale and purchase of articles which are Haram for eating and drinking such as liquor, blood, pork and dead etc. Prophet (ï·º) said, "Allah and his Prophet (ï·º) have forbidden the sale and purchase of liquor, the dead, pork and idols. Prophet (ï·º) was asked: O, Prophet (ï·º) please tell us about the fat of the dead (animals) which is rubbed on the boats and which makes the leather glossy and which is used to Lit the lamps in the house. Prophet (ï·º) said: Curse be on the Jews. When Allah prohibited fat, the Jews adopted a trick. They would get the fat melted and sell it and then eat what they earned from it." [Bukhari, Muslim]

It must be mentioned here that it is not the trade alone that is prohibited; even the proceeds thereof too are not permissible. Prophet (ï·º) has said, "When Allah prohibits anything for food, He prohibits earnings from it as well." [Abu Dawood]

2. Earning one's living through a source that aids evil is also prohibited like employment in banks, dance bars and cinema halls. Those who work at such places cannot absolve themselves of their responsibility by saying that they are not directly involved in the prohibited act.

According to Islamic principles, aiding and abetting in an evil act is also a sin. That is why, Prophet (ï·º) has cursed even those who maintain the accounts of interest-based dealings and act as witnesses along with those who actually recover interest. Similarly those who distil and serve liquor are cursed just like those who actually take liquor. Prophet (ï·º) said, "One who withholds grapes so that he can sell it later to the Jews and Christians for preparing wine from it has deliberately purchased fire of hell." [Tabrani]

One can understand the gravity from the afore-mentioned Hadeeth.

3. One cannot adopt a method for earning one's living that could be harmful for other inviduals and society. For instance, hoarding of goods in order to earn more profits is not allowed. Prophet (ï·º) has cursed such traders.

Similarly, purchasing of the goods on their way to market before they reach the market is not allowed. It is also a big sin if you cheat for earning something or conceal the defect of your product.

Once Prophet (ï·º) passed by a stock of food grains. When he put his hand inside the food grains, he felt some wetness in it. Prophet (ï·º) asked the trader: What is this? He replied: O Prophet (ï·º) of Allah! This is due to rain. Prophet (ï·º) said: Why did you not keep the wet part above so that people could see it? One who indulges in cheating has nothing to do with me. [Tirmizi, Muslim]

It is also not proper to make one believe something with the help of untrue oaths. Prophet (ï·º) said, "Desist from false oaths for selling your goods. This may appear beneficial temporarily. However, it takes away Barakah (Allah's blessings for bounty) from the business." [Bukhari, Muslim]

Dishonest measurement has also been cited as the cause of destruction. According to the Qur'an,

"Woe to the defrauders! Those who take full measure (when they buy) from people, but give less when they measure or weigh for buyers."
[Al-Mutaffifin: 1-3]

Therefore, Prophet (ï·º) has prohibited sale and purchase by fraud. If any employment is harmful from religious and moral point of view, then it is also prohibited like working for preparation and publication of obscene literature.

4. If any source of income is not without suspicion, it is better to avoid it. Prophet (ï·º) has said, "One cannot attain the level of Taqwa (fear of Allah) until he gives up those things which are permissible due to fear of doing something impermissible. [Tirmizi]

It must also be borne in mind that even the slightest ingredient of Haram shows its effect and more often than not spoils the entire thing. "One who purchases a cloth for ten Dirham and if one Dirham of it is illegitimately earned then in that case his Salah will not be accepted as long as he wears that cloth." [Ahmad]

5. One should not get so much involved in earning one's living that the commitments to one's faith take a back seat and one becomes lax about them. Allah says,

"O believers! Do not let your wealth or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. For whoever does so, it is they who are the (true) losers."

[Al-Munafiqoon: 9]

People get away from the truth and forget the Day of Judgement because they get carried away by their desires to accumulate wealth. According to Qur'an,

"Competition for more (gains) diverts you (from Allah), until you end up in (your) graves."

[At-Takathur: 1-2]


A Sure cure for this disease is being moderate, contented and economical. One who posses these qualities is successful. Prophet(ï·º) said, "Successful indeed is the man who is blessed with Islam, who has sufficient sustenance and who is contented with whatever Allah has provided". [Muslim]

Sources of Income

One must always be careful about the kind of his earning and the source of his income because invocations of one who eats out of illegitimate income are not answered by Allah.

It will be mandatory for every one to answer five questions on the Day of Judgement. No one can escape these questions. One of the questions will be what was the source of income? One must ponder over the answer to this question here and now.

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Allah and his messenger knows best

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