Lives of Muhajireen | Some famous Muhajireen

Who were Muhajireen? (R)

Muhajireen is the plural of Muhajir which means 'one who leaves'. Muhajireen are those Sahabah R (companions of prophet ï·º) who for the sake of protection of faith and supremacy of deen left their homes and hearth, their wealth and relatives and migrated to another place.

Some Sahabah R had migrated to Habsh twice earlier. They were called Muhajireen Habsh. Later on many Sahabah R migrated to Madinah. They were called Muhajireen Madinah.

what is muhajir, muhajireen meaning

Glad Tidings for Muhajireen R

Glad tidings have been given in Qur'an for Muhajireen R. Allah says in the quran :

"As for those who emigrated in ˹the cause of˺ Allah after being persecuted, We will surely bless them with a good home in this world. But the reward of the Hereafter is far better, if only they knew."

[An-Nahl: 41]

"Whoever emigrates in the cause of Allah will find many safe havens and bountiful resources throughout the earth. Those who leave their homes and die while emigrating to Allah and His Messenger, their reward has already been secured with Allah. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

[An-Nisa: 100]


Features of Muhajireen

Muhajireen R had reached that elevated level of character and behaviour where it is not very easy for human beings to reach. Look from any angle i.e. truthfulness and trustworthiness, abstention and cleanliness, chastity and continence, courtesy and politeness, penitence and self-respect, in all affairs their strong and trustworthy character had no parallel. Even their enemies bore witness that from the point of view of high moral character, there was none superior to them. Therefore, their character became the cause for many to reach to the door of Islam.

Apart from these general features, there were some distinctive features that made them superior to others. The important among them are as follows:

1. Taking lead

The most important and distinctive feature of Muhajireen R is that they took the lead in accepting the truth. They were the first to believe in Prophet (ï·º).The fruits of faith were not seen yet, but they gave a positive response to his invitation. They were the people of clean mind and clear perception, insight and understanding. Therefore, neither any prejudice nor any imaginary fear could block their path.

The holy Qur'an depicts this in a beautiful manner,

And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth. They say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses.

[Al-Ma'idah: 83]


Muhajireen knew very well about the dangers of leaving the religion of their forefathers against the popular opinion of their family, tribe, village and town folks and consequences of accepting Islam and following Prophet (ï·º). But they were the people with a strong will-power. Nothing could stop them from rejecting Falsehood and accepting the Truth.

Muhajireen R were not only in the forefront in accepting Islam but in its propagation as well. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood R embraced Islam at a time when the group of Mo'mineen consisted of only a few people.

One day, an issue came up for discussion that the Quraish have not yet heard anybody reading Holy Qur'an aloud. It should be read aloud to them. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood R came forward and offered himself for this service. People around him said that it was not good for him to get into the trouble and endanger his life. For this job such a person is required, they argued, who has a big family so that their support would discourage Mushrikeen (infidels) to lay hands on him. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood R said: Leave this to me. Allah is my Protector. The very second day, during mid-morning when most of the Mushrikeen of the Quraish were present in their assembly, Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood R began to recite the Qur'an loudly. When they heard, they asked, "What is Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood saying?" Someone said, "He is reading the Book that has been revealed to Muhammad (ï·º)." Hearing this, the entire assembly rushed towards him and beat him so much that his face swelled. But he did not stop reciting from the Holy Qur'an.

2. Steadfastness

Muhajireen patiently bore every sort of barbarism and oppression for the sake of Truth but they did not give up. They were thrashed mercilessly, they were hanged upside down, they were forced to suffer hunger and thirst, they were put in solitary prison, they were made to lie on live coal, they were dragged on the burning sands, they were publicly humiliated and their properties were usurped. They bore all this merely for the sake of Truth.

Followers of no other religion can provide a better example of steadfastness in the face of hardship as these Muhajireen R did. Even after being inflicted with so much of injuries and harm, not a single man or woman turned away from the faith. Khabbab R had remuneration due on Aas Ibn Wayel. When Khabbab R demanded it, Aas said: I will not give you this money unless you stop believing in Prophethood of Muhammad (ï·º). Khabbab R said: This will not happen till the Doomsday.

Likewise, Usman R irrespective of his high family lineage, affluence and popularity could not escape torture and oppression. His own uncle Hakam Ibn Aas Ibn Umayya tied his hands and legs with rope, put him in a dungeon and said: I can not leave you unless you give up the new religion. Relatives and friends deserted him. Rather they added to the torture and severity. However, Usman R remained a model of forbearance and steadfastness and did not agree to leave the True Religion. Even the enemies were surprised at the display of such unprecedented forbearance and steadfastness. At the same time, there was no change in the enemies' behaviour. Can there be any crueller act than confining Banu Hashim in the She'b Abi Talib? Salute to them who did not swerve, bend or deviate and they left such a mark of steadfastness that will be the torchbearer for generations to come.

3. Sacrifice

Muhajireen R gave all kinds of sacrifices for their faith. They left their loved ones and relatives, abandoned wealth and belongings and said goodbye to home and hearth. So much so that even the richest among Muhajireen R could not take with them anything except what they had on their body.

Um Salma R narrates that her husband Abu Salma R decided to migrate. I was made to ride the camel. My child was in my lap. When we started our journey, Banu Mughira came and surrounded Abu Salma R and said: You can go but you can not take our daughter. By now, Banu Abdil Asad also arrived. He said to Abu Salmah that you can go but the child is from our tribe; so you cannot take him. Helplessly, Abu Salma R left without his wife and child. [Seerah Ibn Hisham]

The prominent among Muhajireen

The most respected among Muhajireen R are Khulafa Rashideen followed by the household of Prophet (ï·º) followed by those Companions who were given the glad tidings of Jannah in the world itself. Besides, some other important Muhajireen are as follows:

  1. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood R (expert of Qur'an)
  2. Salim Maula Abi Huzaifah R (expert of Qur'an)
  3. Abdullah Ibn Umar R (upright man)
  4. Mus'ab Ibn Umair R (preacher at madinah)
  5. Huzaifa R (confidant of the prophet)
  6. Bilal Ibn Rubah R (muazzin of Prophet ï·º)
  7. Hamzah R (paternal uncle of prophet ï·º)
  8. Abu Moosa Ash'ari R (Governer of Yemen)
  9. Salman Farsi R (Advisor of ghazwah khandak)
  10. Abu Huraira R (Great narrater of ahadeeth)
  11. Ammar Ibn Yasir R (Tayyib O Mutayyab)
  12. Abuzar Ghifari R (Unique in peity)

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