Rights of Animals in Islam | How to treat animals ?

Animals for the benefit of mankind

All animals of the world are created for the benefit of human beings. The Qur'an says,

"And the cattle He has created, from them you have warm clothing, and numerous benefits and thereof you eat; And therein is beauty for you, when you bring them home in the evening, and when you take them to the pasture in the morning. And they carry your heavy loads for you to a place you could not reach except with great physical toil. Indeed your Sustainer is Most Kind, Most Merciful. And (He has created) horses, mules and donkeys for you that you may ride on them and make your life pleasant; and He creates (other) things of what you have no knowledge."

- (An Nahl: 5-8)

Reward for good treatment to animals

Since animals are created for our benefit, their survival, protection and progress is our duty. In this matter too, we shall be questioned and will be given rewards and punishments.

Once, Prophet (ï·º) came upon an emaciated camel. Seeing its plight, Prophet (ï·º) said, "Fear Allah regarding these dumb animals. Ride on them only when they are in good condition and leave them in good state when you get down." (Abu Dawood)

Kind treatment to animals brings forgiveness. Prophet (ï·º) said: A man was walking on the road; he became very thirsty. He got into a well, drank water and when he came out, he saw a dog panting and licking wet mud because of excessive thirst. The man said to himself: This dog is suffering from the same state of thirst as I did. So, he went down the well again, filled his shoe with water, climbed up and gave the dog to drink. Allah accepted his good deed and forgave him. Companion R asked: O Prophet (ï·º) Is there a reward for us in respect of animals too? He replied: Yes! There is a reward for serving any creation which has life and possesses heart and liver. (Bukhari)

This makes it clear that it is our duty that we treat animals humanely.

Rights of animals in Islam, how to treat with animals

Rights of Animals

  1. Providing food and rest: Once, Prophet (ï·º) entered the garden of one Ansar who was having a camel. When the camel saw Prophet (ï·º), it sounded a painful cry and tears came out of its eyes. Prophet (ï·º) came near the camel. While patting on its neck, Prophet called: Who is the owner of this camel? A youth came and said: O Prophet (ï·º)! It is mine. Prophet (ï·º) said: Do you not fear Allah about these animals of which you have been made the custodian? The beast is complaining to me that you keep it hungry and make it tired. (Abu Dawood)

    Prophet (ï·º) said: When you travel through a fertile land on a camel, you should give the camel a chance to graze in the land. When you travel in an arid land, where there is scarcity of vegetation, you should quicken the pace. (Muslim)

  2. Employing the animal in the task for which it is created: Beware! Do not make animal's back as pulpits. They have been given under your command so that you may cross different terrains. Allah has created earth for you so that you may meet your requirements. (Bukhari)

  3. Not killing purposelessly: It is right to slaughter or kill animals with a just purpose. However, it is a sinful act if someone kills the animal purposelessly.

    "If someone unjustly slaughters an animal even smaller than a bird, he shall be questioned about it. Companions asked: O Prophet (ï·º)! What is its right? Prophet (ï·º) said: It should be eaten if slaughtered and not that its head be chopped off and thrown out." (Ahmad, Nasa'ee)

    It should be understood very clearly that the hunting of animals is lawful when it is required for food and other needs. However, mere hunting (game) is not lawful. With mere hunting, it is meant here that animals are killed for marksmanship and fun only.

    "Once, a boy tied a hen and was aiming at it with an arrow. Abdullah Ibn Umar R brought it with the boy to his family and said: Prevent your boys because Prophet (ï·º) has forbidden the aiming at animals or other living things in this manner." In another Hadith, Prophet (ï·º) has called such a person eligible for being cursed. (Bukhari, Muslim)

    Similarly, Prophet (ï·º) forbade the setting up animals to fight with each other. (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi) It is very common to arrange the animal-fights of elephants, bulls and buffaloes. Likewise, cocks and quails are made to fight for human pleasure. All these are forbidden. Some people, just for the sake of fun, take away eggs from the birds' nests or steal their chicks or catch the cubs of wild animals. It is improper to do so.

    "On a journey, Prophet (ï·º) camped at a place. A Companion R went to the jungle and brought the eggs from a bird's nest. The bird came and started circling and beating wings above their head. Prophet (ï·º) asked his Companions: Who among you has grieved her? One said: I have picked up her eggs. Prophet (ï·º) said: Return them to her." (Ahmad)

  4.  Kind Treatment: Animals should be treated with kindness. One should not treat them in a manner that would hurt them. Once, Prophet (ï·º) passed by an ass, the face of which had been branded. Prophet (ï·º) said: Don't you know that I have cursed those branding the face of animals and those striking on their face? (Ahmad)

    Similarly, Prophet (ï·º) has prohibited making Musla to an animal i. e. cutting its limbs or some part of its body while it is still alive, and has cursed those who do it. (Bukhari) The Qur'an has described the cutting of ears of animals as satanic act.

    During a journey, Prophet (ï·º) encamped along with his Companions R. Prophet (ï·º) went out for a while. Upon his return he saw an ant village being burnt. Prophet (ï·º) asked: Who has burnt this? A Companion R said: I did it. Thereupon Prophet (ï·º) said: Extinguish it. (Ahmad)

    We have been instructed to show kindness even while slaughtering or killing the animals for fulfilling our needs. Prophet (ï·º) said: Allah has enjoined to give good to everything; so when you kill an animal, kill it in a good way and when you slaughter, slaughter it in a good way. So every one of you should sharpen his knife, and let the slaughtered animal die comfortably." (Muslim)

    Once, a person tied the sacrificial animal and began to sharpen the knife. Prophet (ï·º) was disturbed at this sight and told the person in an angry tone: How many times will you take its life?

Since animals cannot speak, resist or protest, human beings trouble them freely and earn more sin. Therefore, Prophet (ï·º) said: If Allah forgives the ill treatment meted to the animals by you people, then you should know that major portions of your sins are forgiven. (Ahmad)

Therefore, it is necessary that we remain cautious regarding our treatment to the animals. Else our life in the Hereafter might be ruined.

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