6 important things to take care while fasting

important things in fasting

  1. One should keep the eyes away from any place where one is not supposed to look. One should also avoid looking at any evil place of where evil is committed.
  2. One should guard the tongue against telling lies, unnecessary conversation, swearing, arguments, backbiting, etc. One should avoid all nonsensical talk, joking, arguments etc.
  3. One should keep the ears away from listening to anything makrooh(disliked). It is haram(forbidden) to say or listen to anything which should not be said.
  4. The rest of the body should be kept away from sin and evil. Neither should the hands touch it, nor the feet made to walk towards it. Specially at the time of Iftar, no such thing should enter the body, about which there is any doubt as to its being haram or halal.
  5. After having fasted it is not advisable to fill the stomach completely even with halal food at Iftar, because then, the object of fasting is defeated. Whereas fasting helps to diminish one's carnal desires, it also strengthens the angelic qualities of man and increases the illumination of the soul. For eleven months we have been eating and drinking, what harm is there if anyone eats less for only one month.
  6. One should always have fear and anxiety as to whether one's fast had been accepted or rejected by Allah after fasting. One should pray to Allah to accept one's fast and whatever the good deeds he did during whole day.

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Allah and his messenger knows best

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