What is Hijab in Islam and Why ? | Satr and lowering of gaze

Hijab means covering. Technically, hijab means covering those things which arouse sexual feelings whether they are parts of the body or ornaments and articles for adornment etc.

What is hijab in islam

Why Hijab ?

Almighty Allah has created pair of every living creature, males and females for each other. This is not merely for enjoyment and pleasure, the main purpose is continuation of human race through their union so that a new generation is brought into being.

The purpose of hijab is to put a stop to increasing misuse of sexual desires. If restrictions are not put on this desire and liberty is given for adultery, nobody will be able to prevent upheaval of whole civilization, because adultery gives rise to venereal disease, destroy sense of morality and give rise to shamelessness. Allah has given human being HAYA (sense of shame and modesty) to save it from such destruction.

What is Satr ?

That part of the body which must be covered is known as Satr.

The portion between navel and knee is declared as satr of male. Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Whatever lies above the knees and below the navel constitutes satr."

As for the female, except the face and palms, her entire body is satr. Prophet (ﷺ) said, "When a woman reaches puberty, no part of her body should become visible except her face and palms."

It is not proper to uncover oneself except in front of spouse, nor it is proper to watch anyone's satr even if he is father, brother, nephew or any other close relative.

Lowering of gaze

Gaze is the primary cause of all the sexual sins and therefore restrictions has been put on this first. If you put a stop on intial stage itself, further precautions will not be required. If one does not control one's gaze, the door opens for reaching the extreme.

If a man watches a stranger lustfully, molten lead will be poured in his eyes on the Day of judgement. However sudden and incidental glance is excused or forgiven. 

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "O Ali! Do not cast another glance after the first. The first sudden look is excused; however, the second look is not allowed.[Abu Dawood, Tirmizi]

May Allah protect us from bad gaze and give strength to control our desires.

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Allah and his messenger knows best

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