The Arabic word TAUBAH means to return, to bring to notice. When a person commits a sin, it is as though he has gone outside the limit of submission to Allah. When he realizes his sin, he repents and comes back within the limits of obedience, hence his repentance is called TAUBAH. If Taubah is for the sake of Allah, then it means Allah returns his mercy and pays attention and accepts Taubah. Allah is TAWWAB, that is he very much accepts the repentance.
ISTIGHFAR means seeking forgiveness from Allah for one's sins. Since there is not much difference between Taubah and Istighfar, both the terms are used in the same context.
Method of Istighfar / Taubah
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has taught various supplications (Dua) for Taubah or Istighfar. Generally we say أستغفر الله (I seek forgiveness from Allah) to seek repentance.
Sometimes prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) would say,
رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَتُبْ عَلَيَّ إنَّكَ أَنْتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ
"My sustainer! Forgive me and accept my repentance .Indeed, You are the great forgiver and acceptor of repentance."
[Abu Dawood and Al-Tirmidhi]
Condition for Istighfar / Taubah
Repentance is necessary for every sin. The holy Qur'an says, "Seek forgiveness from your Lord, then return towards Him." [Hud:3]
The only condition for Taubah is that repentance should be wholehearted and genuine. Taubah is sincere only when its conditions are fulfilled.
If repentance is in relation to sins concerning HUQOQULLAH (Right of Allah) e.g. missing Salah , missing an obligatory (farz) fast, etc; then there are three conditions to such sins:
- The person abstains from the wrong act immediately after realization.
- The person repents for what he has committed.
- The person makes a firm resolution not to commit sin again.
If the sin concerns to HUQOOQUL IBAD (right of people) eg. usurping someone of his belonging, hurting someone unnecessarily, etc; then a fourth condition is applicable, that is the sinner should return the right he has usurped or he should obtain pardon from the sufferer.
If someone does some charity together with repentance, then it is better for him.
"No doubt, good deeds wipe out vices"
[Hud :114]
Benefits of Istighfar / Taubah
Taubah is a means of salvation. If the concept of salvation through repentance did not exist then a person once indulged in a sin would never be able to return towards virtue. He would continue committing sin after sin. Taubah saves a man from disappointment, guide's towards virtue and gives courage to live. It drives away sorrow and opens up the doors of RIZQ (provision).
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "One who makes Istighfar an obligation upon himself, Allah makes a way for him out of every difficulty, frees him of all sorrows and provide him a source of success."
Habit of Istighfar
There is no limit to Allah's forgiveness, therefore one should never disappoint by the amount of sin he/she has done. Allah will forgive every sin if the repentance is loyal and wholehearted.
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) says: "Allah says: O son of Adam! If you meet me while you have with you earth full of sins, then I will come to you with earth full of forgiveness, only on condition that you should not have associated anyone with me. [TIRMIZI, AHMAD]
This words are so cold to our heart that Allah will forgive earth full of sins. We should always seek His Refuge and turn towards Him. Surely death is very close to us. If for some reason, one did not repent immediately after comitting sin, then he should repent as soon as possible.
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) used to make Istighfar more than 70 times a day even though all his past and future sin had already been forgiven. [BUKHARI]
There is no comparison between us and him (ﷺ), we commit sins in every aspects of life knowingly or unknowingly, but we should never be disappointed and must always seek repentance. Indeed Allah is most Forgiving and most Merciful.
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Allah and his messenger knows best
Informative .jazakallah