Children are Allah's Gift
Children are gift from Allah and His great reward. They add to the respect and honour of parents. They provide support to the parents in their old age. After death, parents get reward (THAWAB) of their children's good deeds resulting in higher ranks in paradise.
Hence, parents should value their children. They should give priority to fulfilling the rights of the children sacrificing their own comfort and luxury.
Rights of Children
Soon after a child born, AZAN is read out in his right ear and IQAMAH is uttered in the left ear to make the child listen Allah's name first. Seven days after the birth, a sacrifice is offered and the child is given a name. This is called AQIQA.
The child should be given a good name. The best names liked by Allah are Abdullah and Abdur Rahman. The head of child shaved on the day of AQIQA and then a little saffron is applied on the shaven head. Silver equal to the weight of the removed hair or its price in cash is given in charity to the poor.
It is the right of the children that they should be given food, clothing, home and medical treatment by their parents according to their means. Also, they should be given best education and training. This is the most valuable gift a father gives to his children.
Just as parents plan and make their children capable of earning their livelihood in this life, similarly they should see to it that their children become capable of achieving success in the life and here after. Parents should, therefore, teach their children to do good deeds.
"O believers! Save yourselves and your families from hell fire."
To make Children pious, it is necessary that parents too remain pious and Allah fearing and they should groom their children to be so. Mostly, children follow their parents. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, "Every child is born with the true faith of Islam (i.e. to worship none but Allah) and then his parents convert him to Judaism or Christianity or Magianism (Fire worship)." [Bukhari, Muslim]
All children should be treated equally, and justice should be done to them. None of the children should be denied his rights. Nouman bin Bashir R the companion of prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said that his father took him to prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and said, "I have given a slave to my son as a gift". Thereupon prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said has he (Nouman) any brothers? His father said, "yes". Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) then said, "Have you given to all others as you have given to him? His father said, "No". Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "don't you except obedience from all your children? "His father said, "yes". Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "be afraid of Allah, and be just to your children". His father then returned and took back the gift. [Bukhari]
From this incident we learn that justice should be done to all children and if there is any failure in doing so, then it should be set right.
When the Children reach marriageable age, parents should seek suitable match for them and get them married. It is mentioned in Hadith that if children are spoiled due to the delay in their marriage, then their parents will also be held responsible for their sins.
If parents pay the rights of their children and given them proper education and training then they will become a source of comfort for them in this life and forgiveness in the life Hereafter. But if the parents fail to pay the rights of their children then they will bring disrepute to the family.
Excellence of raising a girl child
The birth of a daughter is generally seen as disgraceful in the society. Bringing up and educating a daughter is considered a trouble and not a blessing. Also the education and training of a girl is not given much importance. A son is preferred to a daughter. This is totally against the teaching of Islam. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) described bringing up and education of a daughter as an act that will provide protecting from hell fire and lead to paradise. This will earn not only the paradise but also the company of prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in paradise.
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, "Whoever takes care of two girls until they reach adulthood, he and I will come together like this (he interlaced his fingers) on the day of resurrection (Qiyamah)". He (ﷺ) also said, "If anyone has a female child, and does not bury her alive, or slight her, or prefer his male children to her, Allah will bring him into paradise." [MUSLIM]
Hence, the girl child be brought up cheerfully knowing well that Allah will grant us paradise because of her.
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Allah and his messenger knows best