Lives of Ansar | Prophet (ﷺ) about people of Ansar R

Who were Ansar R ?

In Arabic language one who helps is called Nasir (helper). Ansär is the plural of Nasir.

During the time of Prophet (ﷺ), when the land of Makkah became narrow for Islam, Muslims of Madinah came forward to help the afflicted Muslims and Islām. They sheltered them, served them, bestowed love and fraternity upon them and risked their own lives to protect them. They extended their hearty and warm welcome to them. For this selfless sacrifice, Madinites were given the name of Ansar R .Immediate benefit of this title was that it bridged the chronic differences of their two tribes, Aus and Khazraj. When they got a single name, they got united under one banner.

who is ansar, meaning of ansar

Position of Ansar R 

Position of Ansar R is very high in Islam. Prophet (ﷺ) said, "One who loves Ansăr is a Mo'min, and one who will hate them is a hypocrite. So Allah will love him who loves Ansar, and He will hate him who hates them." [Muslim, Bukhari]

Best families of Ansar are from Banu Najjar, Banu Abdul Ash'hal then Banu Al Haris Bin Al Hajraj then Banu Saaida. There is virtue in all the houses of Ansăr.

Characteristics of Ansar R

Ansar R were affable and right-minded. Greatest proof of this is that when word of Truth reached their ears, they accepted it instantly. Thirteen years of relentless efforts did not make as many Muslims in Makkah as they made in three years in Madinah.

Ansar  R possessed all those features which are the characteristics of a Mo'min. This can be easily gauged from the detailed account of their lives. Only a few distinctive features are presented here of which no human history can present any parallel.

Aid and Assistance

Ansar R welcomed Prophet (ﷺ) and Muhajireen R, fulfilled their needs, shared their grief and assisted them, gave them love and affection, did not treat them like refugees, and neither oppressed them nor ever quarrelled with them.

On the contrary, they distributed their own property and gave them half, divided and shared their houses and one who had more than one wife, divorced one of them and after passage of Iddah period, asked Ansar R brother to marry her. So much so, that they made Muhajireen R  as their rightful heir in their property. Their aid and assistance reached to such a high point that they asked Prophet (ﷺ) to distribute the date orchards between them and Muhajireen R  Prophet (ﷺ) said: "No! You people make us work and make partner in the yield of dates." They said: "It is acceptable to us." [Bukhari]

History is witness that even in providing aid and assistance, they competed with each other. To decide which Muhajir would stay with which family of Ansar R lots were drawn because the population of Muhajira R was less than Ansar R. Can human history furnish another example of such sacrifice?

Playing with Danger

For the sake of Muslims and Islam, Ansar R played with danger at every delicate stage. But their firm feet never trembled. They were threatened of dire consequences when Prophet (ﷺ) and the believers reached Madinah. But they did not care about it. The way they assured Prophet (ﷺ) of their wholehearted support during the delicate occasion of Ghazwah Badr, no greater example of valour and courage could be cited. The leader of Ansar Sa'd Ibn Ma'āz R said, "O Prophet (ﷺ)! You proceed with whatever you have planned. If you want us to jump together in the ocean, we will do it with you. Not a single man from among us would remain behind. We have no hesitation if you confront any enemy tomorrow together with us. We are steadfast in war and courageous in fighting. And it is possible that Allah would show you our merit that would cool your eyes. Just take us with you. May Allah bless us".

Likewise, during Ghazwah Ahzab, when the siege of the enemy had severely tightened and inside Madinah Banu Quraizah had gone back on their words and joined with the infidels, Prophet (ﷺ) decided to break the strength of the enemies and so offered one third produce of Madinah for securing reconciliation with the leaders of Banu Ghitfan. Prophet (ﷺ) placed this proposal before the leaders of Ansar R Sa'd Ibn Ma'āz and Sa'd Ibn Ibadah R .In unison, both the leaders said: "O Prophet (ﷺ)! If Allah has ordered you, we accept it without uttering a word. However, if you wish to do it merely for our sake, we do not need this. We both were idol worshipers. At that time, these people could not show greed for more than a grain except expecting hospitality and trade. Now when Allah has blessed us with guidance and bestowed upon us Islam and honoured us through you, shall we give them our wealth? By Allah! We shall give them our swords only." Prophet (ﷺ) agreed with their opinion and said, "When I saw that entire Arab has united against you, I wanted to make this deal only for you."

Sacrifice of Ansar R

Human being naturally wants superiority and domination. He is not ready to accept superiority of others. If he is forced to accept the superiority for any reason, he wishes to get away from it as soon as possible. However, although Prophet (ﷺ) was an outsider and did not belong to their tribe, Ansar R happily accepted him as their Ruler. They became a devoted army and faithful subjects. Only Ansar R  could do it. This loyalty was not confined to Prophet (ﷺ) only. After the passing away of Prophet (ﷺ), when the issue of electing Khalifah came up, at that time too they agreed to elect Muhajir Abu Bakr R as Khalifah. Although claims of leadership had come from some tribes of Ansar R but it was mere selflessness that curbed the passions and Islamic unity remained intact.

When Prophet (ﷺ) received abundant wealth as booty from the Hawazun Tribe, he gave bigger share to the new converts to win over their hearts. Ansar R were greatly hurt at this. They said, "The Prophet (ﷺ) rewarded the Quraish and deprived us, although blood of the Quraish still drips from our swords." They also said, "At the time of difficulties we are given a call while others get the booty." When the news spread and reached the ears of Prophet (ﷺ), he called Ansar R and asked: "Did you say this?" They replied: "None of the prominent personalities of Ansar said this. The youth of Ansar R did say something to this effect." Thereupon, the Prophet (ﷺ) addressed them: "Did I not come to you when you were misguided and through me Allah guided you; you were dispersed and disunited, through me Allah made you united; you were indigent, through me Allah made you rich?" On every sentence, Ansar R answered: "Yes indeed, we are most grateful to Allah and His Messenger for being most generous." Prophet (ﷺ) further said: "No! You could have said you (O Muhammad!) came to us when people belied you and we believed you; people deserted you and we gave you shelter; you came an indigent and we helped you in everything". Thereafter, Prophet (ﷺ) said: "O Ansar! You go on saying and I shall keep replying that what you say is right. But are you not satisfied that men should take away flocks and herds while you take Prophet (ﷺ) with you when you return home?" Upon hearing this, Ansar wept uncontrollably until their beard was wet. They cried: "We want only Muhammad (ﷺ)". Prophet (ﷺ) explained that Makkans are the new entrants to Islām. Whatever I gave them is not because it is their right but only to win over their hearts. Thereafter, Prophet (ﷺ) prayed: "O Allah! Have mercy on Ansar, forgive them and have mercy on their sons and their grandsons and forgive them." [Bukhari]

The prominent among Ansar R

Some prominent Ansar R who always played key roles are as follows:

  1. Sa'd Ibn Maaz (Leader of Ansar R)
  2. Sa'd Ibn Obaidah R (Leader of Ansar R)
  3. Anas Ibn Malik R. (Attendant of prophet ﷺ)
  4. Abu Ayyub Ansari R (Host of prophet ﷺ)
  5. Ubay Ibn Ka'ab R (Leader of expert's of Qur'an)
  6. Maaz Ibn Jabal R (Governor of Yemen)
  7. Abu Darda R  (A best leader of person)
  8. Zaid ibn Sabit R (Expert of recitation)

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