Nifaq in Islam | Who is munafiq ? Various signs of hypocrisy

What is Nifaq ?

Arabic word Nifaq means to enter from one route and go out of the other. Nafaq is a tunnel, which has an entry and exit. Technically in religion, Nifaq or hypocricy means to enter the religion from one way and go out of it from the other.

In simple words, it means having a dual policy. A person behaving in this manner is called a Munafiq or Hypocrite. He says one thing and does something else.

Nifaq Hypocrisy

Reasons of Hypocrisy

1. When the truth of Islam is not accepted sincerely and intentionally, a person comes into the fold of Islam with a hidden agenda. The purpose could be to cause damage to Muslim unity and this can be easily and effectively attained by being one among the Muslims. This sort of hypocrisy is called the Hypocrisy of Belief.

This Nifaq is worse than Kufr. The best example is Abdullah Ibn Obai who is also referred as the leader of Hypocrites. Outwardly, he had become a Muslim, but undercover he was the greatest enemy of Muslims. He never let go an opportunity to cause harm to Islam and Muslims, to create dissension and hatred among them, and to put doubts in their minds regarding faith itself.

2. The heart may have accepted the truth of Islam, but the mind has still not completely understood the religious truths. Such a person is under the influence of worldly benefits and so he does not fulfil his duties towards the Religion. This is called Hypocrisy of Action.

Signs of Hypocrisy

Various signs of hypocrisy have been described in detail by the Qur'an and Hadeeth. From these we can easily identify as to who is a hypocrite and who is not. Some of the important signs are enlisted below.

It should be clear that all of these signs need not be present in a person at one time. Depending upon the level of hypocrisy of a person, the signs may be noticed in him. Prophet (ﷺ) said, "He is a complete hypocrite who has these four symptoms in him, and anyone who has even one of these symptoms, has one drawback of hypocrisy unless he gives it up:

  1. He lies whenever he speaks.
  2. He indulges in breach of trust.
  3. He breaks his promises and covenants.
  4. Whenever he quarrels, he uses abusive language.

Other signs stated in the Qur'an: 

  • Inward is different from the outward.
  • Selfishness and opportunism.
  • Ill will for Muslims.
  • Conspiring against Islam and the Ummah.
  • Opportunism.
  • Friendship with Kuffar.
  • Aspiring fame and position from the Kuffar.
  • Consider ancestry and nationality as superior.
  • Spend half heartedly in the way of Allah.
  • Discourage the wealthy from spending for the poor.
  • Divide Muslim Ummah with cast differences.
  • Offer Salah half-heartedly and only to show off.
  • Trembling with fear on hearing the call for Jihad.
  • Intentionally living and co-operating with the false.

Distinction between a hypocrite and a sinner:

If any of the above mentioned signs are seen in a person then we should not immediately brand him as hypocrite, because such signs may also be out of some human short comings, or weaknesses.

Some times, it is very much possible that a devout Muslim may commit the same act as a hypocrite. Hence we ought to understand the difference between a hypocrite and a sinner.

Upon committing a sin, the reactions of a sinner and hypocrite are not the same. This difference in their attitudes towards sin, puts them apart. Allah has described a sinful Muslim thus in the Qur'an,

"And those who, when they commit an immorality or wrong themselves (by transgression), remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins - and who can forgive sins except Allah? - and (who) do not persist in what they have done while they know."

[Aal Imran: 135]

We should note that unlike a hypocrite, when a Muslim commits a sin, it is not the result of a pre-planned scheme, but it is out of haste or because of uncontrolled sentiments. His heart gets very much disturbed because of the sin and he immediately makes confession and asks for forgiveness from Allah and resolves not to commit the same sin again. He is neither adamant nor persistent on committing the sin.

A hypocrite's reaction is totally contrary to the above.

Here it should be borne in mind that if sin is not controlled, then it drags a person close to hypocrisy. Prophet (ﷺ) has said, "If a person heard the call for Jumu'ah prayer but did not go for prayer, then he heard it for the second Jumu'ah but did not respond, then heard it for the third Jumu'ah but did not respond, then Allah puts a seal upon his heart and his heart turns into that of a hypocrite."

Fate of a Hypocrite

According to the Qur'an there are two categories of hypocrites, of which Allah will forgive one, but will not forgive the other:

1. The First Group

Those hypocrites, who opt for hypocrisy with consciousness, will not be forgiven by Allah. It is so because they are more dangerous than Kuffar. They will not be pardoned even if Prophet (ﷺ) himself begs for their pardon.

"Ask forgiveness for them, (O Muḥammad), or do not ask forgiveness for them. If you should ask forgiveness for them seventy times - never will Allah forgive them. That is because they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people."

[At-Taubah: 80]

Prophet (ﷺ) was forbidden from offering funeral prayer of such people.

"And do not pray (the funeral prayer, O Muḥammad), over any of them who has died - ever - or stand at his grave. Indeed, they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were defiantly disobedient."

[At Taubah: 84]

Prior to the revelation of this verse. Prophet (ﷺ) out of his softness of nature, used to offer funeral prayers of the hypocrites. But after the death of Abdullah Ibn Ubai, the leader of hypocrites, Prophet (ﷺ) was forbidden from offering the funeral prayers of the hypocrites. The faithful should keep away from such people.

2. The Second Group

Those hypocrites, out of their human weaknesses are involved in hypocrisy. They will be definitely punished for their sins, but not like the hypocrites of the first group. It is advisable to be aware of such people also, but at the same time other Muslims should care about the revival of their faith.

"And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you, (O Muḥammad), and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of Repentance and Merciful."

[An-Nisa: 64]

Time to Ponder

It is a matter of great sorrow that today Muslim society is also plagued with the disease of hypocrisy. You will find numerous such namesake Muslims who openly betray Allah and His Prophet (ﷺ), drink and gamble, consider interest as legitimate, openly criticize the Islamic limits, brand them as barbarism and oppression and consider their customs and personal freedom superior to laws of Shari'ah. They only believe and follow un-Islamic ways but also propagate them with full conviction. This is hypocrisy of belief.

Our society is not devoid of such Muslims who do not offer regular Salah and do not pay Zakah. It is very normal for them to lie, to deceive, to break promises and covenants, and to use lewd language.

They are ashamed to call themselves Muslims and they are afraid that people may call them fundamentalist. They feel proud in associating themselves with Kuffar and Mushrikoon even in opposing the cause of Islam. The western morals are more beloved to them than the Islamic morals. This is nothing but the Hypocrisy of Action.

It is of prime importance that we take stock of our deeds and mend our ways before it is too late. May Allah give us the guidance. (Aameen)

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Allah and his messenger knows best

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