The reality of life after death in Islam | Iman bil Akhirah | Why it is important ?

Death and After

Death is an undeniable fact. No one has ever dared to deny it. Each and every living creature has to taste death. The Qur'an says:

كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْت

"Every soul shall have a taste of death."

- (Aal Imran: 185)

No one knows what will happen after death. Some people think that our life is limited to this world only and after death we shall not be raised again. Allah has made such people aware through His Messenger (ﷺ),

Say, "He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing."

- (Ya-sin: 79)

It is difficult to make a thing for the first time. It is easier to create it again. We witness that the earth becomes dead dry during summer. But when rain comes, the vegetation becomes green again. The Divine Power can, similarly, give life to the dead and they can be raised again.

Some people think that human beings go on taking rebirth on the earth to face the consequences of their deeds. But they have no answer to the question that on what basis the man was given his first birth.

The Qur'an and the Sunnah tell us that human beings are not completely destroyed after death. Their souls remain intact. A time will come when the world will be destroyed. Human souls will enter respective bodies by Allah's command and each dead person will become alive once again. Then Allah will give reward and punishment for every one's deeds. To believe in the "Life after Death" with all its manifestations is called Iman Bil Aakhirah (faith in the life Hereafter). Aakhirah means: the one that comes later.

Iman bil akhirah, life after death

Essentials of Iman Bil Aakhirah

1. Qiyāmah (Doomsday)

A day will come when Allah will destroy the whole world and all its creatures. The Qur'an says,

"What is to occur will occur. There is no untruth in its occurrence. (Many) will it bring low; (Many) will it exalt; when the earth shall be shaken to its depths, and the mountains shall be crumbled to atoms, becoming dust scattered abroad."

- (Al Waqi'ah: 1-6)

Scientists themselves agree that a day will come when the sun will become cold and will lose its brightness.

2. Hashr (Resurrection)

Allah will give new life to the dead and all the people will gather before Him. The Qur'an says,

"And We shall assemble them all and We shall not leave out any one."

- (Al Kahf: 47)

Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Each one (of you) shall talk to his Rab (Sustainer). There will be no mediator between him and Allah." (Bukhari)

3. Adalat (The Court)

Whatever good or bad a man does in this world, his deeds are being recorded. This record will be placed in the Court of Allah. The Qur'an says,

And the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminals fearful of that within it, and they will say, "Oh, woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?" And they will find what they did present [before them]. And your Lord does injustice to no one.

- (Al Kahf: 49)

After the invention of tape recorder and TV, it is not difficult to understand that each and every sound and movement of a person can be recorded.

4. Meezan (The Scale)

Allah will weigh all good and bad deeds of each person. Allah says,

"We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgement, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least. And if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard seed. We will bring it (to account): and enough are We to take account."

- (Al Anbiya: 47)

We must invoke Allah's mercy for easy reckoning. Ayesha R says: She heard Prophet (ﷺ) reciting this supplication in certain times of Salah اللَّهُمَّ حَاسِبْنِي حِسَابًا يَسِيرًا : O Allah! Take easy reckoning (of my deeds) from me." I asked him: What is the meaning of easy reckoning? Prophet (ﷺ) said: (What it implies) is not the actual reckoning, but only the presentation of one's deeds to Him without being accounted for. Prophet (ﷺ) said further: O Ayesha R ! He who is thoroughly examined in reckoning that Day is indeed doomed." (Ahmad).

Neither friendship of any one will work, nor the intercession. The Qur'an says,

"And no bosom friend will ask after a friend, though they will be put in sight of each other. The guilty will want to free himself from the chastisement of that Day and save him by giving in ransom his sons, his wife, his brother, his kindred (who used to shelter him) and everything that is on the earth. By no means! For it would be the Blazing Fire that will strip off the skin, Inviting (all) such as turned away (from the Truth) and refrained. had collected wealth and hoarded."

- (Al Ma'arij: 10-18)

5. Jaza wa Saza (Reward and Punishment)

In the scale of Allah, a person whose balance of good deeds will weigh more will be forgiven and he will go to Jannah (the Heaven) and the one whose balance of bad deeds will weigh more would be punished and he would go to Jahannam (the Hell). Allah says,

"And the weight on that day will be the truth. So, those whose scales will be heavy will succeed. And those whose scales will be light will be the people who harmed their souls for they were unjust to Our revelations"

- (Al Aa'raf 8-9)

Importance of Iman Bil Aakhirah

Belief in Aakhirah and its denial leave far-reaching influence on the behaviour of human beings. One who does not believe in Aakhirah longs for the worldly life. He considers about the gain and loss of this world only. Such a person cannot go even a step on the path of Islam.

Islam commands to give Zakah. This person will think that Zakah will decrease his wealth. He will say, "Why should I not take interest on my earnings instead? This will increase my wealth." Just contrary to this, one who believes in Aakhirah looks for the everlasting gain. He considers the gain and loss of this world as minor and temporary. Therefore, he prefers the temporary loss of this world to the permanent gain of the Hereafter. And thus he does not care much for the apparent loss in this world.

Effects of Iman Bil Aakhirah

  1. Liking good and hating Evil: One who believes in Aakhirah hastens towards good. He believes that he will certainly get the reward for his good deeds. He hates evil. He fears that if he does not protect himself from the evil, he may invite the displeasure of Allah and can get severe punishment.
  2. Sense of Responsibility: Belief in Aakhirah creates sense of responsibility. It is because a person thinks that although no one is watching him here, Allah will surely question him on the day of Judgement, if he neglects his duty. Therefore, he tries to fulfil his duties with full responsibility.

    "Once during the Caliphate of Umar R a camel of Baitul Mäl (government treasury) was lost. It was noon-time in summer. The sun was blazing. As soon as the Caliph came to know about the loss of the camel, he went to search for it without caring about the severe heat. After a long search, he found the camel. When he was back, his face was red and the body wet with sweat. On the way he met Ali R who saw him in this condition and became restless. He said: O Ameerul Mo'mineen (Chief of the believers)! You should have sent a servant instead of taking the trouble yourself. Umar R replied: O Ali! Allah will question me and not the servant on the Day of Judgement as to why I was so careless that Baitul Mal lost a camel." (Bukhari)

    Man can devise thousands of ways to escape from the clutches of law. It is because the Court looks for the physical proof only. However, there is no escape from the clutches of Allah because Allah knows everything well, even the intentions concealed in the heart.
  3. Freedom from Disappointment: When a human being strives to achieve something and fails, he gets disappointed. Sometimes, he even kills himself. However, one who believes in Aakhirah never loses heart. He rests assured that if not in this world, he will certainly get the reward in the Hereafter. Thus he gets freedom from depression and disappointment.
  4. Courage and Sacrifice: Fear of death makes a man coward. However, when there is belief that the life of this world is temporary and the life of Aakhirah is eternal, he becomes fearless. He does not hesitate even to give his life in the way of Allah.

Aakhirah is the harvest

Life of this world is a great asset and we won't come here again after death. Therefore, we should use it judiciously. Life of Aakhirah is eternal. To make that life a success, one should sacrifice pleasures of the temporary life of this world. According to a saying of Prophet (ﷺ): "This world is a toiling farm for reaping in the Aakhirah." (Ahmad)

Every one should see if he has prepared himself for tomorrow. As the Holy Qur'an says:

"O you who have believed, fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow"

- (Al Hashr: 18)

Abdullah Ibn Umar R used to say, "When evening approaches, do not expect to be alive next morning. And when the morning arrives, do not expect to remain alive until evening. Prepare for ailment when you are healthy and prepare for death when you are still alive." (Bukhari)

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Allah and his messenger knows best

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